Independence Day

Hi Mommy๐Ÿ’”

Hi Baby Girl TrikieLuv๐Ÿ’™

Mommy๐Ÿ’”….youโ€™ve not been out of bed for weeks now nor hardly eaten anything.ย  It’s been months now Mommy….You’re awake now for only a few hours a day. You don’t even rock out anymore either!!

Oh Baby Girl Trikie Luv๐Ÿ’™Mommy just wants to be with you so badly…so badly…Thinking of ways to be with you…

Mmmoooommmyyyy, I know the legal paperwork has already been started for your name change that means โ€œHeroesโ€ in German.ย  And youโ€™re not behaving like a Hero right now Mommy…

Well TrikieLuv๐Ÿ’™

Awww just wait a minute Mommy๐Ÿ’”….Well canย ย be a pretty deep word…I know you found not 1 but 2 potential Service Dog Candidates. Puppies Mommy! Doberman Puppies from a responsible breeder!

Baby Girl ๐Ÿ’™, Daddy & I donโ€™t have the resources right now TrikieLuv๐Ÿ’™…. Maybe in 6 or so months another candidate or 2 will be available and then we can do it….

Mommy๐Ÿ’”Letโ€™s go back to that Well word again…Time for a possible difficult Q&Aย  session Mommy๐Ÿ’”

-What causes you to NOT have the resources yet to get that brand new puppy that will serve your needs and you its?

-Are you giving your time, $, & energy away to things, people, activities & especially feelings that just take away from you verses giving to you? You spoiled me rotten & I knew & lived & loved it.ย  Mommy you gotta put your feet down and make a stand….Be Our Helden Mommy๐Ÿ’”….Mommy please stop telling yourself “You Can’t”.

Daddy & I sure missed you on what would have been your 9th birthday TrikieLuv๐Ÿ’™

I miss you & Daddy too Mommy๐Ÿ’”.ย  You know, in my job as angel to new tripawds, sometimes I have to be tender & sometimes real Marine Drill Sgt style tough & sometimes a combination of both. ย  I have been so so busyย  & if somebody has seen/feltย  me please let my Mommy๐Ÿ’”know…

Mommy๐Ÿ’”I am always with you & love you & watching over you…Mommy๐Ÿ˜, You still have lots & lots of Heroes stuff to do…..DO ITโ—๏ธ

It’s okay to start small….remember how you were helping me roll to my one front leg side & help me stand even before my little eyes were even open? First I used to just slither along on my chest with my back legs pushing me foward; then I wobbled & hopped around and fell down alot; Then one day I was running!ย  I could swim very well too! I could jump! Baby steps Mommy…

And didn’t I tell you that I would be a tough act to follow?